Hank and I drove to Charlottesville, Virginia, this weekend to get out of the DC area.  I was born in Charlottesville so it's always nice to go back.  We first drove up to the apple orchard on top of Carter Mountain (on the same road to Monticello).  The view is spectacular, and the apples aren't bad either. We brought home some Galas and a bag of early Fujis.  Yum.  I also picked up a bottle of honey from the Golden Angels Apiary.  It's Thistle Honey and has such a wonderful distinct flavor.  I've been trying to reach someone at their home to see if I might buy a bucket full for a better price than the $18.00 I paid for the 16 oz. jar.  But I had to try it. Bulk honey runs a lot cheaper at anywhere from $3.50 up per pound.  I guess the price also depends on how long you've been dealing with your honey man, as I call him :)

I just wanted to remind you all that it's apple time and there are many lovely places to go for pick-your-own.  Whatever state you live in, you can Google Pick Your Own Virginia, or West Virginia, or whatever state. You should find a good selection of dedicated farmers and growers happy to sell you fresh apples, cider, and whatever else is available from their farm.

I have a delicious recipe for a caramel chocolate dip that goes well with nice crisp tart apples.  Can't wait to break it out again.  You can use whatever amounts you like, but I start with the caramel chews - a bag full. Unwrap the plastic and melt them in a double boiler with some milk or cream, enough to make it smooth and creamy. You can also microwave but cover it with cellophane and only go a couple minutes at a time. Add chocolate chips and more cream as needed until you get the consistency you like.  Try dipping a piece of apple.  If it doesn't cover quickly and smoothly, add more milk or cream.  Last of all you add chopped pecans and, oh my goodness, you will think you are in hog heaven, because once you taste it, you will go hog wild!!! The dip can be put in a jar or plastic container and refrigerated for a very long time.  Each time you heat it up, you will want to add a little more milk to make it smooth.

I also put up 21 jars of zucchini relish which I have longed to do for the last year.  I ran out last summer and my chicken salad is not the same without it.  If you are interested, let me know and I will post the recipe.  There are also some good recipes online.

Have a great week!  It's good to be back after not writing for some time.  Check out your local farmers market for some lovely produce.

More to come.