The Earthquake of 2011 - WOW!

I was sitting in my living room with the TV going and working on my computer.  At first, I did not know what to think because over the last year we've felt some trembles coming our way.  But I thought it was from all the blasting they are doing with the new buildings being built within 5 to 10 miles from here.  My house began to shake and
I thought it would slide down the hill we live on.  I needed to get out.  I didn't want to be in a crumbling house, so I went out quickly and stood in my front yard watching my house rattle.  I thought it was going to explode!  Was there a gas line broken?  Or was it an earthquake?  An earthquake in Virginia???  Never.  Tremors maybe, but not a full-blown earthquake!

As I'm standing there in my yard, I realized I left inside my computer, my Ipad, my phone, my everything.  Isn't it sad that I list those three things as my "everything."  That's funny.  But so important to me are the devices I use for communication.   The next thing I realized was that all  (ALL) of my preparedness items were downstairs in the basement.  I'm the "queen" of preparedness as my friends have called me on occasions, but there it was.  I learned a new lesson.  It really is important to keep your most immediate needs close to your exit point.  I have backpacks ready to go with food, water, batteries, flashlight, change of clothes, etc.  But how could I get to it?

When the quake died down, I knew I needed to think quickly in case there was an aftershock (we hear all about this from the news).  I went back inside, got on my knees, said a prayer of thanks and asked for protection over my home.  Then I went downstairs and brought all of my gear upstairs to the front door.  It will stay there as a reminder until I clean out my front closet and put my preparedness packs there.

The next week, or was it the same week, we started hearing about Hurricane Irene.  I had no feelings of needing to go out and join the maddening crowd for last-minute supplies because I was already there!  I had everything I needed.  I was even feeling a bit smug.   And for a hurricane, my food storage was in the right place - downstairs in a cool dark room.

Usually I love to get out in the crowd just to get into the excitement of it all.  Something different!  So I decided I would refill one of my 4 propane canisters (I purchased it at the local gas station last year, so I returned there).  When I walked in with my canister, the attendant saw me in line and in that "what is she even thinking" tone, he said, Ma'am, we're all out.  Well, duh, I knew they would be out before I left my home, but maybe, just maybe they were one of those gas stations that no one thought to go to.  So there I was, feeling stupid that the people standing around me were making note that I was one of those unprepared people that waited til the last minute to get propane for my gas grill so I would have some way of cooking food if my power went out.  Duh.  They didn't know I had 3 others filled.  They didn't know I had two other means for cooking with plenty of fuel ready to go.  I won't do that again!  So, I put my canister back in the car and went to Giant to buy some Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and Tomatoes.  Not a need, just a want.

Well, there's another hurricane out there lurking!  Will it hit?


  1. I love this, Fran! Even though I have 8 15 gallon barrels of water in my basement, I felt the need to go to the grocery store and buy 3 cases of bottled water. And Peanut M&Ms. All I really needed to buy was groceries because I had not been to the store in a month what with vacation, girls camp and marching band last week. I'm looking forward to you preparedness blog!

  2. This is so great Fran and I am looking forward to learning more about preparedness because heaven knows I need too..

  3. Fran you are the preparedness queen! I shared your story with our Relief Society last Sunday. Even when we are prepared, we still need to practice the "how". I loved not having to stand in line for batteries. I did brave the crowds for chocolate chips, however. You are the best!
