"Come On Baby Light My Fire"

About 10 years ago (or so) there was an ice storm that hit south of Richmond, Virginia, where I grew up, that paralyzed the area.  The power went out. People were freezing in their homes with no hope for the power coming back any time soon. My sister and her boys lived on our old street as well as Dick and Odie (in their 70's) two doors down from her.  Dick was a stroke victim with no use of his left side.  Odie called the rescue squad but even they were unable to get out on the ice.  No hope.  They would have to stay in place.  Three days
later, when the roads were sanded, people were able to get to the stores, but the shelves were empty.  Home Depot and other hardware stores had no heaters, no generators, there was nothing.  The temperature was below freezing.

In Springfield where I live, 2 hours north, there was no problem securing Kerosun Heaters and fuel, so I filled my trunk with 3 heaters and 6 containers of kerosene and drove them down to three families in the neighborhood.  I learned a very important lesson at that time.  When I arrived and saw my family and friends freezing in their own homes, I decided that would never happen to me.  I came home and purchased 2 more Kerosun heaters and additional fuel containers.   As with food, the time to buy is not in the middle of a storm.  Now is the time to get everything you need, when there's plenty on the shelf.  The stores will refill their supply and have plenty for the next guy.   The only gas station I could find that supplies kerosene in my area is on Backlick Road.  It's important to know where your supply is located.

Hank and I have had to use our heaters on several occasions.  They are wonderful!  When used properly, there is no odor and you will stay toasty warm.  It's important to read and follow the directions before use.

With winter just around the corner, now is a great time to prepare!

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